Quantcast Vegetarian StarBernard Madoff Even Screwed PETA: Veggie Burger Curses To Him!

Bernard Madoff Even Screwed PETA: Veggie Burger Curses To Him!

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 23rd, 2009 in Business.

Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States

It’s recently been unearthed that thousands have lost money in the multi billion dollar Ponzi scheme ran by Bernard Madoff, including famous vegan author John Robbins, who lost his entire life savings.

People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) Bruce Friedrich, vice president for policy and government affairs, found an online inaugural package to bid on that sounded too good to be true. That’s because it was.

The auction on eBay consisted of a great pair of inaugural tickets and a private meeting with the President himself, according to The online Wall Street Journal.

“2009 White House Full Inauguration Tickets VIP Access” was being offered by Chicago-based charity group December Rain, which provides for foster children who have life-threatening medical conditions. The group paid thousands of dollars to investors for tickets to a variety of events, which it then attempted to auction off online.

December Rain representatives invested with Connecticut-based investment firm Fairfield Greenwich which invested with Mr. Madoff. And you know what kinds of rewards those investments reaped.

A week before the inauguration, PETA received an email stating the tickets did not exist. Although the charity promised to reimburse everyone financially involved, it recently had to close its doors after receiving death threats from those that invested.

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One Response to “Bernard Madoff Even Screwed PETA: Veggie Burger Curses To Him!”

  1. David Williams Says:

    December Rain is Fraud. I know I’m a victim also and have spoken to ten other of their victims as well. The Bernard Madoff story was just BS. December rain is a fraud charity and stole money, simple as that.