Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartin Luther King Jr. Had Vegetarians In The Family

Martin Luther King Jr. Had Vegetarians In The Family

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 19th, 2009 in Animal Issues.

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Today is the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday, which is observed in all 50 states in the U.S.

The day is meant to honor and remember the civil rights activists who changed so many lives through his beliefs in every human having equal rights.

Some might not know that his late wife, Coretta Scott King, was a vegetarian and sometimes raw vegan and their son, Dexter King is a vegan as well. He was inspired to do so by comedian and activist Dick Gregory, who has recorded several PSAs for PETA and equated using animals in circuses as “modern day slavery.”

“If you’re violent to yourself by putting [harmful] things into your body that violate its spirit, it will be difficult not to perpetuate that [violence] onto someone else,” Dexter was once quoted as saying.

It’s fantastic to know a family known for advocating fairness and justice extended their beliefs to include rights for animals as well.

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