Quantcast Vegetarian StarChef Michael Ginor Cynical About Faux Foie Gras

Chef Michael Ginor Cynical About Faux Foie Gras

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 10th, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink.


Charles Haynes on Flickr

Chef Michael Ginor of Hudson Valley Foie Gras in New York and author of Foie Gras: A Passion is weighing in on PETA’s The Fine Faux Gras Challenge appears to have a Gordon Ramsay split personality when it comes to creating a vegetarian version of foie gras and the challenge presented by PETA for chefs to do so.

He thinks it’s a great idea. But no serious chef would do it. It provides another option. But chefs aren’t supposed to make substitutions. An excerpt from The National Post:

I think it’s great. People should always have alternatives. I also think it’s ridiculous in a sense, because you can find substitutes for steak. It’s another vegetarian thing. It’s not going to be foie gras, it’s obviously another PR campaign to try and get people to not eat foie gras. They’re not going to find an alternative to foie gras because there just isn’t one.

Ginor then went on to say that he hasn’t been asked to enter the competition and “no serious high end chef would want to do this.”

No, a faux foie gras chef isn’t a hardcore chef. And chefs have better things to do.

Before you know it, there will be a substitution for quail, a substitution for squab and a substitution for steak. That’s not the point of a restaurant.

We already have substitutes for steak, chicken, pork, and the like. And what’s even more ridiculous is that these are served in restaurants. And prepared by chefs! Not only in vegetarian restaurants, but other dining establishments who recognize the growing number of vegetarians (an estimated 5.7 million U.S. adults in 2000-FindArticles – How many vegetarians are there? A 2003 national Harris Interactive survey question sponsored by The Vegetarian Resource Group
Vegetarian Journal, May-June, 2003) and growing.

Looking forward to hearing his response when he tries the winner’s faux foie gras. We’re sure it will probably be something along the lines of “It tastes the same, but no serious chef should ever admit it.”

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One Response to “Chef Michael Ginor Cynical About Faux Foie Gras”

  1. The Green Quote: Chef Michael Ginor Thinks Faux-Foie Is Great…But Ridiculous // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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