Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnthony Kiedis Shares Vegan Chef Love With Whale Wars

4th Annual MusiCares Benefit Concert - Arrivals

Remember Anthony Kiedis’ personal vegan chef, Laura Dakin, he hired last year? She’s now working on the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s “Whale Wars” boat, Steve Irwin.

Laura is the gal who makes sure the crew gets three vegan meals a day while fighting Japanese hunters in the Southern Ocean.

She’s the Chief Cook on board and has held this position since 2005. Guess Anthony’s had to share her vegan food lovin’!

She’s got the seas in her blood-her father was an Australian Naval Officer.


Laura Dakin (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)

You gotta wonder how poor Anthony gets by in the kitchen when Laura’s performing her duties at sea.

For more information on the rest of the crew, which actress Daryl Hannah joined, visit the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

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