Quantcast Vegetarian StarWhale Wars Captain Paul Watson Says We Eat Like Vultures

2008 Summer TCA Tour - Day 3

Captain Paul Watson is the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and the main man at the helm of the Steve Irwin boat on the Animal Planet series Whale Wars, a reality show where the crew (which includes actress Daryl Hannah this season) sails the Southern Ocean, attempting to stop Japanese ships from hunting whales.

In an interview with Jason Miller on The Peoples Voice, Watson challenges the common notion that humans are true carnivores because we don’t eat our prey raw.

JM: As a vegan, you have characterized those who continue the practice of eating animal flesh as necrovores (rather than the “carnivores” many proudly claim to be). Please elaborate upon this and tell us what you think it will take to raise humanity’s moral consciousness to the point that a majority of people end their cruel and unnecessary consumption of meat.

Captain Paul Watson: Humans do not eat like carnivores. Carnivores bring down living prey and eat it raw and most predators target the soft organs leaving much of the muscle for scavengers. Humans eat dead flesh and rarely eat the organs, preferring the muscle tissue. Most of the beef that people eat has been dead for months and in many cases for years. The meat is disguised with bleach and dyes in many cases to hide the decay and the fact that the flesh is putrid. We are closer in our eating habits to vultures and jackals than wolves and lions.

Read the rest of the interview with Captain Watson and learn about a statue the Dalai Lama gave him and how he thinks our current political and economic systems go against the basic laws of ecology.

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