Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnne Hathaway: Easier To Eat Meat While Dating Raffaello Follieri

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Anne Hathaway is gracing the cover of the January 2009 issue of Vogue magazine, discussing her new life and all the changes she’s made since ditching her currently behind bars ex Raffaello Follieri.

She said she ate meat while dating him because it was “easier for the lifestyle at that time,” but soon banished that quicker than a jury can say, “guilty.”

“I don’t eat anything with a face,” she said, referring to her new diet, which she discussed a few months ago on David Letterman

She also can kick your butt-she’s taken up kickboxing lessons with Hollywood fitness guru David Kirsch.

You gotta wonder what she meant when she said eating meat was easier for the lifestyle when dating Follieri? Did he insist on only stocking steak in his fridge?

via Style

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One Response to “Anne Hathaway: Easier To Eat Meat While Dating Raffaello Follieri”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Anne Hathaway Enjoys Veggie Sushi With Beau Adam Shulman Says:

    […] said she ate meat while dating her ex now in prison boyfriend Raffaello Follieri because it was “easier for the lifestyle” at that time. Now Anne Hathaway may find it a […]