Quantcast Vegetarian StarGwyneth Paltrow: Save A Pig, Eat A Turkey!

Gwyneth Paltrow: Save A Pig, Eat A Turkey!

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 16th, 2008 in Actresses.

Cannes 2008: 'Two Lovers' - Photocall

Forget the horse, forget the cowboy. Save a pig, eat a turkey!

Gwyneth Paltrow has no doubt taken a beating from the vegetarian community these days and for good reason, including her fur wearing ways in a Tod’s clothing ad.

Her “Spain…On The Road Again” series on PBS, which UKTV has now obtained the rights, features Gwynnie, celebrity chef Mario Batali, New York Times food writer Mark Bittman and Spanish actress Claudia Bassols and their culinary experiences while traveling through the country.

While filming the series, Gwyneth said she did not eat jamon, a cured ham product only found in Spain and Portugal, because she’s a vegetarian, according to UK’s Digital TV blog.

When she apologized to PETA for wearing fur for Tod’s, she did say that her and husband Chris Martin, Coldplay frontman, are “pretty much vegetarian.”

However, in the Huffington Post she wrote about how turkey always has a place (dead, not a seat at the table, that is) at her Thanksgiving table with recipe instructions for how to make turkey burgers!

Hollywood divas can be ever so confusing! For now, it’s assumed Gwyneth follows the “Save a pig, eat a turkey!” vegetarian plan.

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