Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen Pompeo, Hubby Chris Ivery Munch On Veggie Burgers

Ellen Pompeo, Hubby Chris Ivery Munch On Veggie Burgers

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 16th, 2008 in Actors, Actresses, Food & Drink.

Y-3 - Front Row - Spring 09 MBFW

Sandra Oh must have gotten Ellen Pompeo hooked on veggie grub since she took the cast of Grey’s Anatomy to Truly Vegan, an L.A. vegan restaurant a few months ago!

Ellen was spotted with her hubby, Chris Ivery, at L.A.’s Kitchen 24 eating veggie burgers.

As we brought you the news before, the entire Grey’s group Sandra took really enjoyed their vegan restaurant experience, including Patrick Dempsey, who couldn’t get enough vegan chocolate cake and Ellen, who returned to the spot several times after her first experience.

Whether or not Ellen Pompeo has “gone veg wild,” has not been determined. But it’s safe to say she’s got a thing for it!

via People

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One Response to “Ellen Pompeo, Hubby Chris Ivery Munch On Veggie Burgers”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Ellen Pompeo Ain’t Going Vegetarian. Never. Not In A Million Years. Says:

    […] may eat veggie burgers from time to time ever since Sandra Oh took the Grey’s Anatomy cast and crew to lunch at Truly Vegan, but Ellen […]