Quantcast Vegetarian StarIs Paul McCartney Giving The Boo To Cull Wild Boar?

Is Paul McCartney Giving The Boo To Cull Wild Boar?

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 10th, 2008 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

The McCartney And Mills Hearing Continues Into Day Three

This little piggy came to Paul’s house. This little piggy called it home. Boars like the Beatles. Or at least, ex-Beatles Paul McCartney.

Dozens of them are running around his 1,500 acre estate in Peasmarsh, East Sussex and those around want Paul to do something about it. But so far, he hasn’t given in and okayed for the population to be controlled.

Those who have problems with the wild boars say they are “breeding like rabbits,” and cause problems for those living in the area, including meddling in their gardens and shrubs.

“Boar are a huge problem for farmers. As with deer, the government has a policy to allow humane culling but Sir Paul is having none of it,” a source told the Sun.

Wild Boars can weigh up to 900lbs.-not your average stray cat eating the flowers in the garden. But surely, there must be a non-lethal way to take care of the problem.

Paul’s spokespeople haven’t gave word on why he isn’t doing anything about it, but given the fact that the vegetarian for decades is such an animal rights activists, he may very well find the current government “policy,” to reduce the numbers inhumane.

via The Telegraph

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