Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian Lisa Edelstein Attends 15th Annual Lint Roller Party

Vegetarian Lisa Edelstein Attends 15th Annual Lint Roller Party

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 19th, 2008 in Actresses.

The 15th Annual Lint Roller Party Presented By The Best Friends Animal Society

Vegetarian actress and star in the TV series “House,” Lisa Edelstein, attended the 15th Annual Lint Roller Party.

The Best Friends Animal Society threw the event in order to recognize individuals and organizations doing their part to improve the lives of animals.

The event was full of veggie vibe, as vegetarian Emmylou Harris gave a live performance and guest were treated to a gourmet vegetarian meal.

Some dogs got to walk the red carpet with celebrities, such as this one pictured with Edelstein.

via Las The Place

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One Response to “Vegetarian Lisa Edelstein Attends 15th Annual Lint Roller Party”

  1. LJ Says:

    Five seconds after photo was taken, dog jumps out bag and bites other cameraman.

    It’s just itching to get out of that bag! LOL.

    We have a rescue dog ourselves and it’s been a wonderful experience. She had actually been brought back by her first family (but they never tell you why). She’s as sweet as sweet can be.