Quantcast Vegetarian StarShe Said She Was 18…They Said It Was Fake Fur

She Said She Was 18…They Said It Was Fake Fur

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 8th, 2008 in Actresses, Fur, Not So Vegetarian.

The 2007 National Board Of Review Awards Gala

Kate Winslet got duped.

Miss Vegetarian Titanic appears in the latest issue of Vanity Fair, draped in fox, bear, rabbit, and whatever the heck else goes into real fur clothing. But the lovely Winslet would never wear fur and has worked with Peta in the protest of it.

It seems she was told the by photo shoot people the fur was fake.

But this poses a question: Why agree to do a fur shoot, faux or faux-real anyway? Since it can be hard to tell if it is or isn’t real, why take the chance?

Not only does she run the risk of hurting her credibility, she is also making fur look fashionable. Unless there’s a big disclaimer saying, “This isn’t real. Fur is stupid. Don’t wear it,” most people looking at the magazine will see it as fur. And they will see a beautiful, glamorous actress wearing it, thus thinking they too can possibly be beautiful and glamorous and rack up the credit card this Holiday season with a coat of their own.

Peta, of course, pulled an all nighter trying to get in touch with her representatives who confirmed that Kate was indeed tricked. They let her off easy. We won’t.

via The Peta Files

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