Quantcast Vegetarian StarWhat’s Milo Ventimiglia Cooking Tonight?

What’s Milo Ventimiglia Cooking Tonight?

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 4th, 2008 in Actors.

Grand Re-Opening Of The Burberry Beverly Hills Store

Milo stalkers, uh, we mean, paparazzi caught Milo Ventimiglia shopping at Whole Foods grocery store, the place where you have to have either a record deal or television contract to afford.

There’s a picture of Milo walking with three bags from Whole Foods (but no Hayden Panettiere was helping). Milo has been quoted as saying, “I’m a homebody, I’d rather be in the kitchen cooking than hanging out in a bar.”

So refreshing to see a Hollywood star living up to his word.

Obviously, there’s ingredients for something veggie in there. And we bet he’s pretty good at whipping meatless stuff up, given the fact that he’s been eating vegetarian since day 0 in utero and all.

Here’s the question, though: What do you think Milo cooked that night? Does anyone know his favorite dish? Any ideas as to what he made?

via My Limelight Online

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3 Responses to “What’s Milo Ventimiglia Cooking Tonight?”

  1. busy bee Says:

    His mom’s Italian, so I’m guessing something with pasta. Homemade sauce with lots of fresh sauteed vegetables. Good wine. Geez, wish I were invited!

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Who Would You: Milo Ventimiglia or Tobey Maguire Says:

    […] get enough of the Real Food Daily Restaurant. The other would prefer to shop at Whole Foods and cook at home. Doesn’t really matter where you’re eating though. The important thing […]

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Milo Ventimiglia And Hayden Panettiere: Veg Duo No More! Says:

    […] The breakup was amicable and a source told US Magazine that it was a “lifestyle conflict.” Hayden was too young (yes, it was a creepy reverse Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher fling) and liked the club scene, while Milo, as we already know, would just rather stay in and make a home cooked meal. […]