Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde, Moby Get A+ On Vegan Report Card

Chrissie Hynde Joins PETA Protest Of KFC

School’s been back in session for a little over a month (in places where there’s summer break) and it’s time to show who’s made progress.

Sprig.com has graded the top vegan celebrities. Moby and Chrissie Hynde are serving as valedictorians, both receiving an A+ and no one got anything less than a B-.

The class consists of the following celebrity vegan pupils: Natalie Portman, Casey Affleck, Joaquin Phoenix (who only had one bad pizza experience, and it wasn’t in the school cafeteria), Russell Simmons, Alicia Silverstone, Prince, Shania Twain, Moby, Chrissie Hynde, Chris Martin, Pam Anderson, Andre 3000 Benjamin, and Tobey Maguire.

Oh, and of course, there’s plenty of school pictures. Only they look waaaay better than any of us did in ours.

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