Quantcast Vegetarian StarDrew Lachey’s Magical Veggie Challenge For Kids

Drew Lachey’s Magical Veggie Challenge For Kids

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 20th, 2008 in Children, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Videos.

106.7 Lite FM Kicks Off Broadway In Bryant Park 2008

I bet years ago when you listened to 98 Degrees, you never imagined them singing, “Beans, beans, the magical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot.” Hey, maybe if they covered that song, more albums would’ve been sold. Ha!

Now Drew Lachey has embarked on another solo project-this one involving getting kids and their parents to become more aware of healthy eating. It all started when the “Dancing With The Stars” winner noticed his 2 1/2 year old daughter, Isabella, is quite picky about eating vegetables. “She wants to eat (veggies), sometimes she doesn’t, (and) sometimes we have to sneak them in.”

That led him to start the Magical Veggie Challenge in which kids can rewrite the, “Beans, beans, the magical fruit,” song. The only requirements are that the songs be 1 minute in length and include the words “beans” and “veggie.” The winner will be crowned in New York City next year in February. Watch the video below and hear Drew explain how fatherhood, (to the tune of “The Hardest Thing” everyone) is the “hardest thing he’ll ever have to do.”

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One Response to “Drew Lachey’s Magical Veggie Challenge For Kids”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Joanne Rose And Tommy Tofu Save Kids With Vegetables Says:

    […] Children and vegetables don’t always mix. But celebrities and vegetables do. […]