Quantcast Vegetarian StarTed Nugent Wanted To Protect Paul McCartney And Buy Him Nice Tofu Dinner

Ted Nugent Hosts Pre-show BBQ

Paul McCartney stood up to the face of intimidation and refused to cancel his performance at Israel’s 60th birthday despite several threats from militant Islamic groups. The celebration in Tel Aviv was scheduled for tonight.

After hearing the troubles Paul was having, Ted Nugent offered to help him with the cause, offering to protect him and buy him tofu afterwards.

This may be a prime example of the “Although I don’t agree with what you say, I’ll defend your right,” statement. Nugent, is a Republican, pro gun carrying man, who loves to eat anything that can run or swim away from him. McCartney, of course, is a longtime vegetarian and activist.

Nugent told WENN radio, “”Regardless that Paul and I have our obvious social, cultural, and culinary differences outside of music, I will not bend or waiver to voodoo religious whackjobs and neither should Paul.”

“It would be my pleasure to keep this legendary musical hero safe from terrorists and madmen, and then buy him a nice dinner of tofu.”

This is a sharp contrast from what Nugent wrote before in an article that appeared in the Waco Tribune-Herald: “I have musical touring associates who have been fired from their jobs with ex-Beatle Paul McCartney for sneaking a hamburger. You heard that right. Fired for eating meat by an animal-rights maniac, hardcore vegan bass player.”

Ah…It’s so refreshing to see a carnivore maniac like Nugent defend an animal rights maniac who fires people for eating burgers on the bus. Maybe we are coming together despite our differences after all.

via Guardian

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