Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Silver Screen: Joaquin Phoenix Refused To Wear Leather For Movies

Meatless Silver Screen: Joaquin Phoenix Refused To Wear Leather For Movies

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 16th, 2008 in Actors.

Joaquin Phoenix (pronounced “WAA-keen”) took the named “Leaf,” as a child, reportedly because he had a little sibling rivalry and wanted a more “earthy” name like his brother and sister, Rain and the late River Phoenix.

He’s an actor who’s starred in films such as “Walk The Line,” the story of Johnny Cash, and once said that making movies involved a lot of manipulation:

“Making movies is a constant manipulation. You manipulate the environment. You make it rain when you want it to. You manipulate actors. And as an actor, you try and manipulate your feelings to match what you think you’d be going through in a situation where your character is going through something.”

One area he refuses to be manipulated in, however, is his personal beliefs. He refused to wear leather for many screen appearances, including going barefoot during a Prada shoot because the shoes were made of leather. He’s also requested fake leather for costumes in movies like “Gladiator” and “Quills”.

via IMDB

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One Response to “Meatless Silver Screen: Joaquin Phoenix Refused To Wear Leather For Movies”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Joanne Rose Bothered By Dietitians Encouraging Meat And Dairy Says:

    […] was heavily influenced by the late River Phoenix, who was also a vegetarian, in her decision to stop eating animal products and is not too keen on […]