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Brooke Shields: Vegetarian Gone Bad?

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 9th, 2008 in Actresses, Models, Not So Vegetarian.

The NBC Universal Experience

Brooke Shields is gracing the cover of Shape Magazine for October. Supposedly, she has 5 tips for staying healthy, fit, and happy. However, she made a comment that although she used to be a vegetarian, she eats meat now and it’s what her body thinks is right.

“I was a vegetarian for 15 years until I got pregnant. I just needed to eat meat. I believe you really have to listen to your body.”

We wonder what our favorite vegetarian models like Christie Brinkley would think of that comment. Better yet, we wonder what you guys think of that comment. Do you believe her body was telling her to eat meat? Or just eat better? What do you think about people who think switching back to meat will bring them better health?

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5 Responses to “Brooke Shields: Vegetarian Gone Bad?”

  1. nicki Says:

    I think your body tells you to use your brain to learn how to eat more plant based souces of food. versus just shoving down french fries like Nellie McKay said in an earlier post. If you’re feeling sick, it’s because you’re not eating enough of the right types of vegetarian food. Just look the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine. The docs in that group follow a vegan diet and do ton of research showing how a vegetarian diet eliminates symptoms of diabetes and other illnesses.

  2. heather Says:

    Eating meat is not a crime. Brooke probably ate healthy before and felt her body needed this source of protein and iron for a reason.

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Pregnancy Makes Female Celebrities All Weird And Meat Seeking Says:

    […] Shields was a vegetarian for over a decade until her pregnancy when she decided she thought her body “needed” […]

  4. Noel Says:

    Um, no, a powerful craving for meat is not a sign that you need more vegetables. And so many women become anemic during pregnancy. animal sources of protein are best assimilated into the body, and artificial iron supplements can be dangerous.

  5. Gary Says:

    Noel – Um, no. animal sources of protein are HARDEST assimilated into the body. The protein needs to be broken down into the Amino Acids the body actually needs to make the type of protein each body part needs. Same for the fat.

    Easier to just get the oil and Amino Acids that plant foods provide.