Quantcast Vegetarian StarDawson’s Creek James Van Der Beek And Wife Heather Combs Dine Vegan Style

2007 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show - Arrivals

I don’t wanna wait…For the tempeh special to be over.

James Van Der Beek and his wife Heather Combs were reported to have had lunch at a vegan restaurant in Beverly Hills, according to Starz Life.  He’s known best for his role of Dawson on the 90s T.V. series Dawson’s Creek. We really wish we had more details…but we don’t.

Yes, it would have been nice to know the name of the restaurant and what they ordered. We’re not even sure that ol’ Dawson and his gal are vegetarians. But one thing we know for sure: It’s darn cool.

It would also be interesting to know what purpose that pole is doing there. Might make a completely different celebrity story. Do you guys have any suggestions?

For more pictures, go here.

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