Quantcast Vegetarian StarLipstick Jungle’s Mary Tyler Moore Predicts The Meat Chapter Of History Books

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Honors Betty White

This September 24th, Mary Tyler Moore will be joining the cast of “Lipstick Jungle,” to play Brooke Shields’ television mom who is a retired high powered executive enjoying her new role managing her daughter’s life and telling her how to run it.

Her character’s experience may mimic Moore’s real life ascension in the entertainment business.

“I’m fortunate to have had a front row seat to the evolution of working women on television,” Moore said.

Moore was once quote as predicting that one day, meat eating would be just another chapter in the history books.

“It may take a while, but there will probably come a time when we look back and say, ‘Good Lord, do you believe that in the 20th century and early part of the 21st, people were still eating animals?'”

via Etonline

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