Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby: Boca Burger And Tofurky Are Gateway Drugs


If you haven’t picked up the latest (July/August 2008) issue of Vegetarian Times yet, you’re missing out. (Or if you still have the mag in your “inbox” pile of mail you haven’t read yet.)

Moby’s got an interview featured in the Q & A Section where he talks about his mommy helping him go veg (How sweet.)

Moby is the former co-owner of Teany, a vegetarian restaurant and tea shop in New York and talked about his love of the eatery.

“What I was most proud of about Teany was that on any given Saturday we would be filled with people and a very small percentage of them were vegetarian. So if you went to Teany and you were a vegetarian or vegan, you would be perfectly happy. But if you went to Teany and you were a meat eater, you would also be happy.  Regardless of what some people’s feelings might be about fake meat, it is a really good way of getting meat eaters into vegetarianism. It’s a gateway drug.”

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5 Responses to “Moby: Boca Burger And Tofurky Are Gateway Drugs”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Peter Rojas, Moby Stalk Each Other In New York Vegan Restaurants Says:

    […] and fellow vegan Moby also seem to be stalking each […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Rachael Ray’s Big Orange Book Will Please Vegetarians Says:

    […] chapter on burgers as well. You may rip it out and use it for cat litter or just substitute a Boca Burger for any […]

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Moby’s First Chef At Teany Now Has Own Vegetarian Restaurant Says:

    […] was the first chef at Teany, a restaurant formerly owned by Moby. Moby hasn’t been into Dirt Candy yet, but between him and Peter Rojas making the rounds in […]

  4. Moby’s Teany Cafe Destroyed In Fire Says:

    […] once remarked that Teany was so great because meat eaters were just as happy with the faux selections as […]

  5. Natasha Says:

    Fate meat is truly a gateway drug! I got my mom to stop eating burgers, ground beef, hotdogs and chicken nuggets by introducing her to vegan versions! Now she’s almost totally veggie.