Quantcast Vegetarian StarCloth Seats, No Leather For Paul McCartney’s Ride

Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell

Paul McCartney purchased a maroon Lexus LS600h that is deemed more environmentally friendly. It produces carbon emissions of 219g per kilometer while other cars of its size producing 249g per kilometer.

Sir Paul insisted that the car be made with no animal products, so the seats and interior are cloth versus traditional leather that comes in most luxury cars.

via Gossip Dirt

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One Response to “Cloth Seats, No Leather For Paul McCartney’s Ride”

  1. Mercedes CLS Takes Four Dead Animals To Make One Car Says:

    […] Perhaps the marketing folks are still living in the ages before cars existed and men were still trying to perfect one wheel, let alone four. Vegetarian Star suggests luxury car lovers do what Paul McCartney did with his Lexus and demand their next ride be equipped with cloth seating. […]