Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher Rants About Proposition B For Breeders
Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, October 8th, 2010 in Animal Issues.
Joe The Plumber is back, not as the McCain/Palin sidekick, but a supporter of the Tea Party and a group called the Alliance for Truth, who is against changing legislation that would require dog breeders in Missouri to up their care for animals and eliminate breeding practices that are detrimental.
Proposition B will be voted on by Missouri residents in November and Joe The Plumber wants them to know no one should keep a dog owner from leaving a piece of food in the water bowl. Or something like that.
“Missouri’s Proposition B makes it a “crime of cruelty” for a piece of dog food to be in a water bowl or for a dog breeder to treat their own pet if they become ill… (No folks, I don’t make this stuff up.)”
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