Quantcast Vegetarian StarEduardo Saverin

The Social Network

The Social Network

The Social Network has a scene where Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin‘s character feeds his pet chicken (they’re allowing these in dorm rooms these days?) chicken meat. In defense, Saverin yells, “Fish eat other fish!”

According to Cannibalism: Chicken Little Meets Hannibal Lecture written by members of a graduate Foraging Ecology Class at the University of Idaho and Washington State University under the direction of Drs. Karen Launchbaugh and Lisa Shipley, chickens rationale for eating chickens varies differently in the wild versus captivity. In the wild, the behavior is perceived as an adaptive function to increase fitness, eliminate competitors (yep, that’ll definitely do it) and providing nutrients. In captivity, however, it’s abnormal behavior that some have suggested is yet another problem of crowded farm conditions meant to churn out as much chicken product as possible at the animal’s expense.


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