Quantcast Vegetarian StarCrystal Harris

Hugh Hefner’s Fiance Crystal Harris Is Animal Rights Activist

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Models.

Crystal Harris (on the left next to Hef) is Hugh Hefner‘s latest fiance. According to online sources, Harris is an animal rights activist, owns a dog and has two freshwater fish tanks in her bedroom.

And that’s about all we want to know about what’s going on in her bedroom.

What we would like more of, however, is information on how this former San Diego State University Psychology major is reaching out to the public on behalf of animals. Does she volunteer at a shelter? Regularly write to her congressmen about pending animal rights laws? Details, details, details!

She obviously isn’t uncomfortable with using sex to sell, so maybe PETA will get her in lettuce leaves ASAP and she’ll go vegetarian (if she already hasn’t) as well.

Photo: Mark Dunne/Creative  Commons

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