Quantcast Vegetarian StarJon Stewart and Wife Tracey Stewart Adopt Horse

Jon Stewart and Wife Tracey Stewart Adopt Horse

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 30th, 2016 in Animal Issues.


When Jon Stewart signed off the air a year ago, he talked about his plans for the future, one of which included bringing a Noah’s Ark group of animals to his private sanctuary his runs with his wife Tracey Stewart.

One very special horse has been given the opportunity to join the family.

A white mare named Lily was rescued from a life of thinness, frailness and abuse from paintballs.

Tracey herself is a vet tech and knows firsthand about the ins and out of caring for animals.

She made a visit to check on Lily’s care at the Penn Vet New Bolton Center in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania before making arrangements to have her brought home to the 12-acre sanctuary that was created in partnership with Farm Sanctuary.

“Probably what I’m more struck by is understanding that a lot of times people’s relationship to animals is that they are disposable,” Tracey said. “And I think Lily’s story will be a big part of telling why that’s so necessary and important.”

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