Quantcast Vegetarian StarRingling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Elephants Retire To Sanctuary


Activists all over the world are performing tricks way more entertaining than these elephants could.

Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus is retiring the remaining elephants that have performed during its shows.

The company had originally planned to do this by 2018, but it looks like these lucky pachyderms are getting an early pension!

Those that follow animal rights news know how the circus has faced scrutiny over the years from its alleged treatment of elephants.

In 2011, the USDA confirmed some of these allegations and fined the group 270,000 dollars for violating the Animal Welfare Act.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has long spoken out against Ringling. The group published footage of what took place during training and cited the use of cruel tools and methods during preparation for shows.

The circus elephants will reside at a 200 acre sanctuary in rural Florida.

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