Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz In “EatingWell” January/February 2015

Jason Mraz Eating Well

EatingWell means eating mostly vegan for singer and song-writer Jason Mraz.

Mraz is featured in the January/February 2015 issue of the popular culinary magazine where he invited editors onto his avocado farm in California.

The musician shared a few of his favorite recipes, his love of gardening and his favorite kale chip.

On his healthy lifestyle transformation and how touring with the Rolling Stones inspired him to get healthy: “I’d been surfing a lot, and I felt kind of ridiculous smoking a cigarette after. I said, ‘I’m gonna just cut these out.’ And so then the energy picks up. I start running, I start doing more exercise.”

On trying a vegetarian diet after a bandmate was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes: “We decided to bring a chef out on [our 2008 world] tour with us for 30 days and go vegetarian and raw to see what would happen. And I mean, a dramatic transformation. Not just in weight loss, but in overall health and energy. And then no trace of diabetes.”

On learning to love avocadoes: “The first time I was served a big chunk of avocado on my salad, I didn’t know what to do with it. Now I’m among them all the time, experimenting with them, making meals and adding spices and whatnot. You know, your palate evolves.

On working on his vegetable garden: “It’s a real problem because I’m out here sometimes until midnight just geeking out and loving it.”

On moving to his San Diego ranch in 2004: “[It’s] a place to be isolated when you have a crazy life.”

On the best kale for kale chips: “The lacinato kale, a sort of classic curly cat, is my favorite.”

The January/February 2015 issue of EatingWell is available on the stands now.

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