Quantcast Vegetarian StarJenna Dewan Tatum In Humane Society “All Animals”

Jenna Dewan Tatum

Jenna Dewan Tatum has an interview with the Humane Society of the United State’s All Animals magazine for its July/August 2014 issue.

The actress looks great with any face, but she’s adamant about using cruelty-free products on it, both onscreen and off.

A few of her favorite animal-friendly cosmetics include Tarte, Urban Decay and Josie Maran.

The Witches of East End star has been very vocal in the fight for animal welfare. Whether it’s appearing on a billboard calling for an end to animal-tested cosmetics to discussing her favorite vegan foods, she wants everyone to know that because animals cannot speak for themselves, someone else has to.

“?I have always felt it was important for animals to have a voice. We must speak up for them and fight for them to be treated fairly. From rescuing animals to addressing mistreatment of animals in slaughterhouses to protecting our wild animals, it’s all important to me.”

An edited version of Jenna’s interview can be found at the Humane Society.

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