Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Shark Tank” To Feature Vegan Cinnamon Bun Bakery “Cinnaholic”

cinnamon buns

The sharks will get a chance to hear owners from an all-vegan bakery that specializes in cinnamon buns give their pitch on how egg and dairy free desserts can not only be delicious, but profitable too.

Cinnaholic gets a spot on ABC’s Shark Tank this Friday, May 9 at 9pm.

“When we first began to conceptualize Cinnaholic in 2010, never in our wildest dreams did we imagine our vegan cinnamon rolls receiving such national exposure and adoration,” says Florian Radke, co-owner of Cinnaholic.

Cinnaholic already has its niche of both vegan and non-vegan customers across the country who order the products via mail. If the sharks like Radke’s idea, those customers may be able to one day walk into a Cinnaholic and enjoy the pastries in store.

“The opportunity to appear on Shark Tank will allow us to increase the visibility of our business and help us achieve our dream of expanding Cinnaholic nationwide.”

Photo: grongar/Creative Commons

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3 Responses to ““Shark Tank” To Feature Vegan Cinnamon Bun Bakery “Cinnaholic””

  1. Cinnaholic Dives Into 'Shark Tank,' Airing Friday May 9 | Ecorazzi Says:

    […] hoping to expand nationwide. This Friday, May 9th, Cinnaholic founders, Florian and Shannon Radke will appear on ABC’s “Shark Tank,” with the hopes of earning more financial support to reach […]

  2. Berkeley’s Cinnaholic vegan bakery to be on Shark Tank « Of Course Vegan Says:

    […] the country. To do so they will need some major backing and founders Florian and Shannon Radke are heading to ABC’s Shark Tank with the aim of getting an […]

  3. dorothy Says:

    how do I order some !!!!!!!!!