Quantcast Vegetarian StarColbie Caillat Models PETA “SeaWorld Kills” T-Shirt

Colbie Caillat

Colbie Caillat took to her Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts to express her sentiments on the marine park SeaWorld.

The singer known for hits like “I Do” wore a “SeaWorld Kills” t-shirt made by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Caillat, a vegan who’s also called for the end of animal-tested cosmetics in the United States, got nothing but rave reviews from the group for her fashion choice.

PETA Tweeted back:

“Looking good! Thanks for being a voice for orcas in captivity.”

SeaWorld has long been a target of criticism from PETA and other animal rights activists due to several investigations uncovering unsafe conditions at the park for both animals and people, including one launched after the death of a trainer.

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2 Responses to “Colbie Caillat Models PETA “SeaWorld Kills” T-Shirt”

  1. Peter Tantillo Says:

    colbie caillat is the most hypocritical bitch on earth. If you notice the down filled items in her room. Two years ago she got paid big money to lip synic a song on the Macys day parade, the following year she called for a boycott of the Macys day parade because she doesn’t like Sea World. She eats eggs and fish and yet codemns other who do the same. She thinks she Gods Gift to the World. Truth is she only cares about two things: money and herself

  2. Romer Preston Says:

    Colbie Caillat is a good but misinformed person who thinks that she is doing good. Do your home work. Your T shirt should read PETA kills.