Quantcast Vegetarian StarAimee Teegarden Shows Her Kind And Luna Bars To “US Weekly”

Aimee Teegarden

Aimee Teegarden shared with US Weekly the items you might find in her purse.

Healthy snacks are an important component of every lady’s to-go bag, so it’s no surprise the Star Crossed and Friday Nigh Lights actress carries a few plant-based protein bars so she can stay veg wherever she goes.

Teegarden told the magazine:

“Being a vegetarian and traveling to lots of different places, it’s not the easiest to find healthy food on the go. So I keep bars handy. Kind’s Dark Chocolate Cherry Cashew and Luna’s Chocolate Peppermint Stick are my favorites.”

Both Kind and Luna are just two of many companies that make bars that are vegan, protein-rich and nutritious.

What else does Teegarden carry to places like Disneyland and when she’s out and about in L.A.?

Visit US Weekly to find out.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

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