Quantcast Vegetarian StarRosanna Davison St. Patrick’s Day PETA UK Ad For Vegan Diet

Rosanna Davison St. Patrick’s Day PETA UK Ad For Vegan Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 17th, 2014 in Food & Drink, Models.

Rosanna Davison

Rosanna Davison has posed in a brand new PETA UK ad that lets fans know when it comes to health, it may be best to go green for more than one day a year.

The model and certified nutritionist said:

“Vegan meals are packed with nutrients and free of unhealthy animal fat and cholesterol, so they’re a great way to keep your weight down and your energy up. The best thing to do for your health and for animals is to go vegan – for St Patrick’s Day and every day!”

The ad isn’t the first of Davison’s pro-animal and green exploits.

The former Miss World also starred in another PETA ad for veganism where she literally became her father Chris De Burgh’s “Lady in Red,” lying on a bed of red chili peppers.

She’s also spoken against Ireland’s decision to export live animals.

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