Quantcast Vegetarian StarSheryl Underwood Of “The Talk” To Go Vegan In February

Sheryl Underwood Of “The Talk” To Go Vegan In February

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 3rd, 2014 in Food & Drink, TV Hosts.

Sheryl Underwood and Sara Gilbert

Sheryl Underwood has decided to use the month of February to try out a vegan diet.

The co-host of The Talk has longtime vegan and fellow host Sara Gilbert to assist her with any problems or questions she may have along the way.

The two sat down with TV Guide magazine to discuss the Underwood’s decision and whether or not a plant-based diet will be a permanent lifestyle change for her.

Gilbert says that she and the show’s producers were in the dark about Underwood’s diet switch until recently.

But Underwood credits Gilbert and her book, The Imperfect Environmentalist, for motivating her to change.

Underwood: I like that she trusts me enough to know I am not joking around with something she believes in so strongly. By helping me and teaching me, maybe the two of us can help other people try it, too. I have a lot of Twitter followers who want to give it a shot right along with me.

Gilbert: And that’s what it’s really about — giving it a try. I don’t know that Sheryl will be vegan the rest of her life. She may need to find a middle ground. But I do know this trial period is going to change her life for the best in ways she doesn’t yet realize.

Read more of the interview here.

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One Response to “Sheryl Underwood Of “The Talk” To Go Vegan In February”

  1. College Says:

    Well that’s Good for Her Keep it Up Sheryl ! Hope you wil b e fine lolxxx…! :p