Quantcast Vegetarian StarLea Michele Takes Up For New York Puppies In Mills

Lea Michele Takes Up For New York Puppies In Mills

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 9th, 2014 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Lea Michele

Glee star Lea Michele has written to New York governor Andrew Cuomo, asking that he pass legislation designed to regulate the puppy mill industry.

Bill A.740a / S.3753a would set forth standards for the breeders and determine what conditions could be considered legal and illegal.

Michele wrote in a letter to Cuomo:

“As a lifelong New Yorker and a recent dog owner, I couldn’t be more delighted that our great, progressive state has considered large-scale commercial puppy mills—breeding factories where female dogs are constantly impregnated and forced to live in cages in their own excrement—an unnecessary cruelty that deserves local oversight.”

Dogs aren’t the only animals on Michele’s list of causes to support.

She has also been active with PETA’s campaigns to end horse-drawn carriage rides in New York City.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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