Quantcast Vegetarian StarDilbert’s Scott Adams Latest Advice For Success Includes Good Nutrition

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big Scott Adams

Scott Adams, the creator behind the popular comic strip Dilbert, has written a book about his success, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big.

Adams gives a few bits of advice for making it, but he doesn’t necessarily recommend you follow it, as Lesson#5 states: Don’t take career advice from a cartoonist. (or health advice or finance advice for that matter).

Good health is a must for any success and Adams lists this as one of the keys to getting what you want in life.

Staying Fit is Lesson #3, and he also advises to, “learn as much as you can about what food choices are better for you…People who know the most about nutrition almost always eat better.”

Adams, a vegetarian, has taken time to educate himself about plant-based choices and his lifestyle has been featured in several of his comics.

He once discussed the link between adequate nutrition and medical costs.

“Healthy eating would have a huge impact on healthcare costs,” he said. “It would be partially offset by people living longer, but I have to think multiple sports injuries cost less than one heart bypass operation.”

Read Dilbert’s latest interview here and view some veggie comics on his site.

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