Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Malkoff Ate Tofu Meatballs During IKEA Sleepover

Mark Malkoff Ate Tofu Meatballs During IKEA Sleepover

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 17th, 2013 in Comedians, Food & Drink.


Mark Malkoff has pulled off a few crazy stunts as a comedian, like the time he aimed to visit over 100 Starbucks in the Manhattan area in a 24 hour period.

Malkoff once spent the week in an IKEA store, sleeping on the furniture and living off the food in the cafeteria.

As you may already know, IKEA isn’t known for its multitude of vegetarian options, and has even come under controversy for allegations it served meatballs with horsemeat.

Ah, yes, meatballs.

What IKEA is most famous for.

An article in the Wall Street Journal details the company’s grand plan to sell 150 million of the balls–all hopefully without horse meat–this year as part of its fiscal goals.

Every vegetarian who has good taste in European design would love to score a veggie meatball in its cafeteria, but Malkoff is the one who actually did.

“I probably drank my weight in lingonberry juice,” the comedian wrote of the experience on his website. “They prepared tofu meatballs for me.”

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