Quantcast Vegetarian StarIsabelle Cornish Beats “Puberty Blues” With A Well Stocked Fridge

Isabelle Cornish Beats “Puberty Blues” With A Well Stocked Fridge

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 16th, 2013 in Food & Drink.

Isabelle Cornish

Isabelle Cornish, the star behind the hit series Puberty Blues, a series about coming of age based on a novel by Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey.

Puberty can be tough, even if you’re destined to be a beautiful screen actress, but it certainly helps to eat right and snack healthy.

If Isabelle could give any advice to adolescents playing the role she plays onscreen off, they’d definitely benefit from taking a peek inside her refrigerator.

The vegetarian shared with Australia’s Body and Soul what she enjoys munching on.

“Coconut water, fruit and vegies, red kidney beans, falafel, quinoa and dairy-free hummus. I like to make rice paper rolls for lunch and I always have rice protein [an alternative to whey and soy protein] in my cupboard. I’m vegan and protein is so important when you’re exercising.”

Healthy eating doesn’t mean denying oneself a treat and no teenage girl should ever feel the need to starve or skip sweets altogther. Especially when there are dairy-free treats like dark chocolate and sorbet.

“Acai dark chocolate is a favourite. I also love a raw smoothie with cacao and dates. And Gelato Messina’s chocolate sorbet.”

Read more of Isabelle’s favorites at Body and Soul.

Photo: Eva Rinaldi/Creative Commons

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