Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Christie Brinkley Gives Weight Loss Advice

Christie Brinkley

“I really believe that the more informed you are about the benefits of a healthy bite versus the chain reaction that you’re going to put into effect in your body when you take that bite—you just suddenly don’t want to make that choice for yourself anymore. It’s beyond willpower at that point, it’s become a desire to do something good for yourself.”

Christie Brinkley, her advice to women looking to reduce their waistlines. Studies show vegetarians are less likely to be obese and suffer from obesity-related diseases than their non-vegan dieters. Following Brinkley’s plant-based eating style is just one more piece of advice those looking to slim down should follow.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful–Christie Brinkley Gives Weight Loss Advice”

  1. Hollywood Slim Says:

    wow.. Christie looks great!