Quantcast Vegetarian StarFall Out Boy Drummer Andy Hurley On The Vegan Comeback

Fall Out Boy Drummer Andy Hurley On The Vegan Comeback

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 30th, 2013 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians.

Fallout Boy Andy Hurley

Fall Out Boy is back after a brief hiatus.

Fans of the band have seen it go through a lot of changes since its birth in 2001, but those who have been around can still remember hit tunes like “Sugar, we’re goin’ down” and “Dance, Dance,” like it was yesterday.

The guys have seen members come and go and some have started families. But the one thing that hasn’t wavered in the last decade or so is the diet of drummer Andy Hurley.

Hurley has a podcast with PETA2 where he discusses how much veganism has changed–for the better.

“It’s just unbelievable,” he said. “When I [first went] vegan, you had to walk 5 miles uphill in the snow to get food. Now you just go to any grocery store, and they have Daiya cheese or Gardein products or tons and tons of stuff.”

An easy way to share the news about veganism is through social media.

The number of fans Hurley and the rest of the guys have following on places like Twitter and Facebook make it easy to let many people know how he feels about the diet and its principles.

“I have a lot of kids on Twitter who have said I’ve inspired them and influenced them to be vegan,” he said. “When you realize that you can change yourself in such hugely important ways, you start to realize, what can’t you change?”

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