Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Jennifer Aniston Quinoa Salad

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston has a wedding coming up with fiance Justin Theroux.

Many are already speculating the details of the ceremony, and of course, the number one thing on the foodies’ minds is the menu!

Celebrity chef Art Smith predicts guests will have both meat and vegan options, which would make sense given the rumors that Justin is a vegetarian.

“I think it would not be uncommon to see something comfort, but I also think the exact opposite. You’re going to see something vegan,” Smith said.

She and her personal chefs shared their cooking experiences in an article at Oprah.com, where the actress described her kitchen as “a sanctuary that has become the most important room in the house.”

Aniston has a favorite salad that happens to be vegan.

It’s a mix of protein-rich quinoa, fresh parsley, tomatoes, cucumbers and avocadoes.

“This is a really simple salad, but so delicious, and all these beautiful, healthy ingredients, make it one of my favorites,” Aniston said.

Make this salad in your sanctuary today.

Grab the recipe at Foodista.

Photo: Angela George/Creative Commons

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