Quantcast Vegetarian StarErykah Badu At 4th Annual Texas Veggie Fair In Dallas

Erykah Badu

Erykah Badu will perform at the 4th annual Texas Veggie Fair on Sunday October 20 at Reverchon Park in Dallas.

The event is free and will feature a live performance from Badu, as well as her speaking on the vegan and holistic lifestyle.

She will be present between the hours of 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

You can expect a lot of good thing’s at this year’s fair.

In addition to the selection of vegetarian and vegan food, there will also be a beer garden (presumably with vegan beer free of animal ingredients used in the clarification process).

Representatives from several local restaurants will be on hand to give visitors a taste of veggie Dallas. Expect to sample fare from both diner style establishments as well as food trucks.

Sponsors for this year’s event include animal advocate group Mercy for Animals, North Texas Recycle Revolution, Green Grocer and Upton’s Naturals.

For a full list of sponsors, performers and speakers and more information on the event, visit Texas Veggie Fair.

Photo: LivePict.com/Creative Commons

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