Quantcast Vegetarian StarGoogle Co-Founder Helped Fund Lab Grown Hamburger (Video)

What is being touted as the world’s first lab grown burger was served to several guests in London recently.

Reactions to the “Frankenburger” are mixed.

Some were expecting it be juicier. Another that the texture feels like meat, but without the fatty taste.

Which could be a good thing for the diet-obsessed carnivores who actually like the taste of low-fat products.

One thing’s for sure, the 5 oz. patty would have gone down a lot easier with condiments.

“I missed salt and pepper,” one woman said.

“And ketchup,” added another.

The burger’s creation was financed partially be Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who generously donated over $300,000 to the project.

It was grown from the muscle cells of two cows fed organic diets.

Jonathan Garlick, stem cell researcher at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston uses a similar technique in his work.

Garlick said that although he’s a vegetarian, he’d be, “first in line to try this.”

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