Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz Supplies Local Chipotle With Avocado

Jason Mraz

Chipotle set a goal of sourcing 50% of its ingredients from local suppliers by 2010.

There’s no official statistics available on how close the Mexican restaurant chain got to this number, but in the San Diego, California area, Chipotles are doing guacamole in style with locally-grown, celebrity furnished avocados.

Singer-songwriter Jason Mraz is about as famous for his avocado farm as he is for his music and the details of his farm being a major supplier for the chain are included in Parade magazine.

With the help of a Farm Aid mentorship, his farm produces 30,000 pounds of avocado each year that go to Chipotle.

“It was kind of an accident,” Mraz said of his decision to start an avocado farm. “I just wanted to live out in nature. When I realized there were hundreds of avocado trees here, I thought, ‘I can keep this going.”

In addition to avocados, you can get several vegetarian and vegan options at Chipotle, as long as you choose black and not pinto beans.

The chain has also tested several meat alternative fillings, including the latest made with tofu.

Photo: Steve Jurvetson/Creative Commons

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