Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Secret To The 70s–Vegetarian Food And A Woman

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney turned 71 this month and if there’s anyone who should be dispensing advice on turning old gracefully, it’s the ex Beatles member and singer-songwriter.

He’s not exactly sure what’s kept him going so long, but his guesses aren’t too far off from what most men might say: food and women.

“I do do a bit of exercise but it’s not like heavy work out. I’m vegetarian, I don’t know, that might have something to do with it. So I feel pretty good in myself, I really don’t know if that’s to do with it.”

“I have romance in my life, I think that’s a lot to do with it,” he said. “That’s a good thing, a good woman. I feel really good. I feel very fit. I don’t know why particularly, but I just do.”

Good food. A good woman.

The only better combination is a good woman who knows how to cook good veg food.

Photo: Fiona/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Paul McCartney Secret To The 70s–Vegetarian Food And A Woman”

  1. Brien Comerford Says:

    MACCA is the most influential vegetarian and animal rights advocate in the history of music. Honorable mention to Morrissey, Chrissie Hynde and Boston’s guitarist and leader Tom Scholz.