Quantcast Vegetarian StarWillie Nelson Scheduled To Perform At Annual Farm Aid Concert

Willie Nelson is once again set to perform at the annual Farm Aid concert in upstate New York.

The event features several musicians who come together to raise awareness for the small, family farm and the potential obstacles it is facing to continue operating.

It will be held on September 21 at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs, New York.

The need for fresh and less processed food has become more important than ever in the age of increasing incidence of diseases linked to food consumption.

Both plant-based and meat eaters stay healthier when they are able to obtain food that is fresher and grown closer to home, as it may retain more nutrients and be treated with less chemicals. The small family farmer or smaller local farm may be better able to feed communities than massive ones that ship goods miles across the country.

“More and more people are asking about where their breakfast comes from, why it comes from 1,500 miles away when there’s a farm next door,” Nelson said. “A lot of people are thinking about what we’re feeding our kids. Young people are trying to stay healthy, wondering who’s watching out for our food supply.”

Other performers scheduled in the lineup include John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews.

Photo: PR Photos

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