Quantcast Vegetarian StarDavid Murdock Of “Dole” Followed Mostly Vegetarian Diet To Reach 90

David Murdock

David Murdock, the 90 year old billionaire and chairman of Dole Foods knows a thing or two about longevity.

The man who’s net worth is valued at $2.4 billion according to Forbes is proof that wealth is just as much about the foods you deposit into your body as the money your put into the bank.

A vegetarian for most of his life, Murdock practices what he preaches, consuming the product he peddles in copious amounts daily.

According to an article at the Huffington Post, Murdock eats 20 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, blending most of these produce items into smoothies.

During an interview with the New York Times, he was reported to have requested a plate of butter be removed from his presence, saying, “Please take death off the table.”

“We have developed a culture in which we eat with our taste buds, not our brains,” Murdock said. “It is never too late to change the way you eat — once you do, your body will thank you with a longer and healthier life.”

In case you missed it in the news, Dole is going even healthier by getting into the organic industry as well.

Ninety years of age is quite an accomplishment, but Murdock is aiming for 125.

By following his lead and eating more plant-based items like the produce from Dole, everyone might be able to contend with him.

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