Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Debi Mazar Tofu And Berry Popsicles

Debi Mazar

Debi Mazar from HBO’s Entourage has a great recipe to help cool you off if you’re planning an outdoors event this Memorial Day.

Popsicles are always a favorite among children and adults and a popsicle with a little protein is the perfect way to introduce tofu to the carnivores at the picnic.

Mazar got this idea after eating one burger too many with her husband Gabriele Corcos. The two are hosts on the Cooking Channel’s show Extra Virgin.

“When I married Gabriele, a Tuscan carnivore, I was eating much more meat and craved balance in my diet,” she said. “Infusing tofu did just that.”

Mazar and her husband use strawberries, but of course, most other berries can be substituted. Try blueberries, raspberries, and other fruit if you’re looking for a change.

Grab the recipe for Tofu and Berry Popsicles at People.

Photo: Toglenn/Creative Commons

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