Quantcast Vegetarian StarKate Middleton Vegetarian Pregnancy Requests–The Duchess Craves Curries

Duchess of Cambridge

Even when not with child, Kate Middleton has been known to crave a vegetarian pizza.

According to Hello Magazine, the seven month pregnant Duchess of Cambridge recently enjoyed an Indian vegetable dished prepared by Chan Shingadia and her husband Hash, who operate a spar shop in the UK when they’re not cooking.

The owners of the shop have known Middleton and her family for years and have cooked for her in the past. They were given the honor of being invited to the Royal Wedding in 2011.

Although the contents of the dish are considered “secret,” Chan hinted that it was a vegetarian curry, a dish she’s made for Kate in the past.

“I’m vegetarian, I only cook vegetarian curry,” she told The Sun.

Photo: Surtsicna/Creative Commons

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