Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Billboard Races To Educate Kentucky Derby Fans On Horse Drugs

Peta Horse Poster Mulranen

PETA has a new mobile billboard that will serve to remind visitors to the Kentucky Derby this weekend that horse racing is not always fun and games.

Up to and during the day of the race, this ad will be driven outside the racetrack to highlight the use and abuse of drugs used on race horses, which PETA says has contributed to the death of several horses on the race tracks.

The ad was designed by Dana Mulranen, a graphic and interactive design major at Temple University’s Tyler School of Art.

Eventually, the drugs used to make the horses work harder and run faster fail to support them, leading to their retirement from the track and being sent to slaughterhouses.

There are a few charities working to place retired horses in sanctuaries, such as Old Friends, a non-profit that benefited from last year’s Ferdinand’s Ball, also held in Louisville where the Derby takes place.

But unfortunately, there are not enough charities or practices in place to prevent the 800 horse fatalities and 3.500 injuries each year on U.S. race tracks.

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