Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Forbes” Interviews PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

“Forbes” Interviews PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 29th, 2013 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

David Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

PETA’s president Ingrid Newkirk has a lot on her mind these days.

The recent horse meat scandal, hunting and faux meat are just a few of the issues she discussed with Forbes contributor Michael Charles Tobias.

Newkirk is not just informed and passionate about these animal welfare and food safety concerns.

The Forbes interview demonstrates she can also be quite quirky about them to prove a point.

Such was the case when asked to comment on horse meat making it into the food supply in Britain and other places.

Says Newkirk in Forbes:

“The horsemeat scandal dominated the news in Britain for weeks recently, with consumers outraged over a series of discoveries that it was horse, not pig or cow, in meat pies and more. It was nicely summed up with a cartoon in which a boy comes home from school and asks, “Mum, what’s for dinner?” and is told, “Sorry, I’ve no idea what it is really.””

Despite recent setbacks like these, Newkirk is convinced more of the world is leaning towards a plant-based diet.

She cites the rise in vegetarians in Britain, praises the surge in faux meat companies and even brags about a faux caviar taste test PETA held in London.

For the entire interview, visit Forbes.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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